Durham Cathedral is making changes to the times of regular Sunday morning services to make way for a brand-new Junior Church, making it easier for families to attend.
From Sunday 30 April, children of primary school age (reception to year six) are invited to enjoy storytelling and craft activities relating to the Christian Gospel, while their parents or carers attend the Sung Eucharist, the main service of Holy Communion, which will now begin at 10am, instead of 11.15am. Junior Church will be led by Erica Soulsby, who recently taught at Westminster Abbey School until her retirement to Durham. She will be joined by other professional leaders and volunteers.
Those families who would like to attend are invited to bring their children to the Sung Eucharist at 10am where everyone will be welcomed. After that the children will move through to the Chapter House for Junior Church. Once the main service is over, families will come back together for the distribution of Communion and the children will be invited to receive a blessing. Durham Cathedral are then re-introducing time for families to gather for refreshments in the Galilee Chapel at 11am, before Matins starts at 11.30am (previously this service started at 10am). Families with children older than the age for Junior Church, are very much welcome to join the cathedral family by attending services or even volunteering as servers or stewards.
Reverend Canon Michael Hampel, Acting Dean of Durham said,
‘Junior Church and our changes in time and offer of hospitality are all part of a refresh of Sunday mornings at Durham Cathedral. We’re keen to make better provision for existing worshippers and encourage old faces to return and new faces to join the cathedral family. We have a rich programme of worship, preaching and music here at the Cathedral where both the committed Christian, those hesitant about faith, and people who simply want to know more can feel equally at home in our dignified but warm and relaxed atmosphere of prayer and fellowship. We invite everyone to come and join us!’
Junior Church starts on Sunday 30 April and will take place during term time only. Children don’t need to be baptised or Confirmed to take part, but the cathedral team would be happy to explore both of those options should anyone want to at any time.
If you’d like to attend, you can simply turn up to a service or register your interest in advance with michael.hampel@durhamcathedral.co.uk.