As Cuprinol’s Shed of the Year competition marks its 16th anniversary, this year’s shortlisted entries have been unveiled and the public vote is now open, and Durham local Sheddie Simon Jones is in the running to win the £1,000 prize.
Simon’s ‘Ellie’s Rest’ shed has made the top 3 shortlist for the ‘Nature’s Haven’ category.
Following 2021’s record numbers, 2022 has seen equally fierce competition, with 260 entries - from amateur to veteran shed enthusiasts alike - vying for a spot in this year’s list of finalists. Amongst the creations are inviting home pubs, nature escapes, practical yet beautiful workshops, and state-of-the-art eco-friendly designs.
To be in for the chance to win, shed enthusiasts submitted their creations to one of seven categories, including: Budget, Cabin/Summerhouse, Lockdown, Nature’s Haven, Pub/Entertainment, Unexpected/Unique, and Workshop/Studio. Three entrants from each category have been carefully selected for the shortlist, and are now in the running for £1,000 in prize money, a plaque, and £100-worth of Cuprinol products.
Head judge and founder of the competition, Andrew Wilcox, was so impressed with the calibre of entrants this year, and comments: “We’ve seen some first-of-their-kind designs, making it nearly impossible to whittle down to just three from each category. One great thing that has come from successive lockdowns is how much it has inspired people’s creativity, and it’s great that this has been channeled into the design of their own little escapes.
“These past years, more than ever, have shown just how much a role our gardens and sheds can play in our lives and the different ways they can be used. It’s been great to see shed enthusiasts old and new come up with some truly fantastic ideas, which we hope will inspire the next generation of shed enthusiasts.”
The shortlist for the Cuprinol Shed of the Year 2022 competition is available on the website https://www.readersheds.co.uk/