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Pupils taught well in Reception are more likely to earn more in later life


Children in the most effective reception classes can expect to earn more than their peers in later life, according to a new study by Durham University and the Department for Education published today (26 January).

Research by Durham University has previously shown that children who are taught well in their first year of primary school go on to achieve better GCSE results in Maths and English, making the case for schools putting their best teachers in Reception.

This latest study reveals that the top 2.5 per cent performing reception classes of 27 pupils could add between £50,000 and £200,000 in value to the UK economy, which is the equivalent of between £2,000 and £7,500 per pupil*.

The analysis, which looked at pupils’ progress, shows that future earnings are influenced by teachers when children are as young as four years old, and that education plays a significant role in earning outcomes.

Professor Peter Tymms, from Durham University’s School of Education, said: “We have previously shown that exceptional teaching in Reception can have a long term impact – up to GCSE level - but now, working with the Department for Education we have been able to show that it has an influence on later earnings too.

“Many will be surprised to see this but it shows the importance of great teachers working with young children.”

In addition to the potential boost in earnings, the social and economic returns from investments in high-quality Reception classes may also be much larger than the study’s estimates, especially for disadvantaged pupils.

For the report, the team linked estimates from two studies to predict changes in later earnings, associated with progress during Reception. By assessing children at the beginning and end of the Reception year, the team was able to identify classes as ‘effective’, which is where children made significantly more progress than average.

The researchers took account of a range of social and economic factors that could have skewed the results including children’s age, term of starting school, sex, ethnicity, special needs, English as an additional language, deprivation and school/class membership.

* The top 2.5 per cent achieving reception classes based on DfE data are linked to higher earnings, worth between £56,100 and £197,600 for a class of 26.7 pupils (the average class size in England).


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